Ministry Outcome

Statistics and Stories from Birth Choice

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Birth Choice clinic stats

Birth Choice 2023 Statistics

We praise God from whom all blessings flow for saved lives and changed hearts. These approximate numbers include data from our Jackson, Gibson County, and Mobile Clinics. 

  • New client cases: 1,012
  • Male clients: 30
  • Ultrasounds performed: 985
  • Pregnant women considering abortion: 163
  • Babies saved after their mothers changed their minds on abortion: 107*
  • Number of times the gospel was shared: 931
  • Clients who participated in parenting programs: 146
  • Helped 55 women sign up for TennCare
  • Provided early prenatal care to 24 women
*includes two sets of twins!!
2024 Diamond Count: each diamond represents a baby saved from abortion!
A Birth Choice client's precious baby

From the Heart of Our Clients: 2023-2024

“Being able to see the baby [on ultrasound] is just an overwhelming feeling (in a good way!). The staff was so nice and comforting. I felt more like a family member than a patient.” – this abortion-minded client changed her mind and chose life for her baby!

“My heart had a major change in my decision after meeting with [my client advocate]. I know what’s right to do. I loved the staff. All were very understanding and nonjudgmental. A great experience.”

“The [people at Birth Choice] were amazingly friendly and knowledgeable. [They] made the experience joyful. I re-met with God.”

“Hearing [my baby’s] heartbeat makes me ready to be a mother. Everyone [at Birth Choice] was kind and gentle. I believe they give the best care.”

[My client advocate] was great! I loved how nice everyone was and that they prayed over me. Birth Choice is my favorite place.

“Thank you, [Birth Choice] for existing, loving, praying! Everything helped! The staff were friendly, kind, and trustworthy. I love that this clinic is Christian, faith-based. I found some  hope there. [I felt] safe, comfortable, and no shame.”

A Birth Choice client's very dapper baby

Client Stories from 2023-2024

Actual names have been changed to protect privacy. 

  • When “Khloe” came to our Jackson clinic, she was nervous. Her Client Advocate, Tammy, assured her that she was safe and in the right place! Khloe was undecided between abortion and parenting and had a lot of questions about abortion. She also seemed interested in the information about fetal development that Tammy gave her, and Tammy told her that God brought her to Birth Choice. Khloe also seemed interested when she saw all the mom and baby supplies in the resource room and smiled as she looked at the baby pictures on the wall. As Tammy hugged her goodbye, Khloe said, “I’m glad I came today.” Tammy called her a few days later and Khloe giggled as she told Tammy she chose life!
  • From considering abortion to, “I hope this is a boy” – one year after Roe v. Wade was overturned, God was still working miracles in the hearts of our clients. This is why our volunteers and staff pray before each shift, asking God to guide their conversations. “Camille” came to our Gibson County office last summer, and the talk with her Client Advocate and her ultrasound made a big difference! She was originally considering abortion as she had just broken off an abusive relationship and already had other children. Camille’s client advocate was able to share her own story, share the gospel, and pray with her. She made sure Camile knew that we are here for her, no matter what! At the ultrasound, she saw her tiny, six-week baby and chose life.
  • We saw a baby saved the DAY BEFORE the scheduled abortion appointment! “Serena” came to our Jackson clinic three days before her abortion appointment out of state. During her ultrasound, the fetal heart rate was only 72, which was low for how far along she was. Because there was a possibility she could miscarry, we scheduled another ultrasound for just two days later, the day before the abortion appointment. At the second ultrasound they found the baby’s heart rate had jumped to 112, and Serena chose life! For the heart rate to jump so high in just two days is very rare. Only God could have written this story. To mere humans, it looks like it was a close call for this little one. But God knew exactly what He was doing! Serena and her family are now very excited about the baby.
  • Last year, “Ella” boarded one of our Mobile Clinics considering abortion because she already had a baby at home. However, she smiled as she saw and heard her baby’s heartbeat on ultrasound and allowed our nurse and Client Advocate to pray with her. On her exit survey, she wrote that this was the “best and most informational appointment EVER.” Ella left choosing life for her little baby!
  • Sometimes the littlest things will touch the hearts of the young women we serve. The moment “Camilla’s” sweet Volunteer Advocate placed a pair of homemade baby booties and a 12-week fetal model in her hands, Camilla changed her mind on abortion and chose life! She was so excited about her decision for life and texted a photo of the booties and model to the father of her baby, who is now excited to be a father. Camilla is joining our ESTHER childbirth classes at our Jackson office, and we can’t wait to help her throughout her pregnancy!
  • Having a baby when finances are tight can be very hard. That’s where Birth Choice comes in! “Crystal” also found herself pregnant and facing financial obligations. Because of that, she was considering abortion. Understandably, she seemed nervous when she came to us. At her appointment, Crystal not only learned medically accurate information about abortion and its risks, but also about our parenting classes, mommy and baby supplies, and the support she will receive throughout her pregnancy. By the end of the session, she was no longer considering abortion! She said she knew she didn’t need to abort and that it was wrong. Please pray for Crystal, that God will provide for her family’s needs and draw them to Himself.
  • “Krista” came to our bus in Brownsville when she was carrying her first baby, so she knew who to turn to when she got pregnant again. She considered abortion when she first boarded our bus, but after talking with our advocate about all her pregnancy options and resources available to her, she said it “cleared her mind” and she chose life! This is why accurate information is so powerful, and Krista’s advocate made sure to go over everything in detail. During her ultrasound, Krista saw the heartbeat of her seven-week baby. Krista is considering making an adoption plan, but she may parent instead. Please pray for God to give Krista wisdom on this decision.
  • Our Client Advocates and nurses have an opportunity to encourage our clients in many areas of their lives, not just regarding pregnancy. “Cora’s” Client Advocate at the Jackson clinic, Tammy, noticed she looked “weepy” when she came to Birth Choice. Tammy asked her how she was doing, and Cora opened up about several stressors in her life as well as the postpartum depression she was struggling with. “It’s all too much,” she said. Tammy asked if she could pray over her, and Cora said yes. The nurse, Kim, gave her some practical steps to get the help she needs for her mental health. When Tammy asked her what her decision is for her baby, she said she couldn’t decide right now. She seemed very distraught and unsure about a lot of things. But God is working on healing her heart! When Cora came for her follow-up ultrasound appointment, she chose life! She is getting the professional help she needs, and we noticed she seems to be doing better. Praise God for bringing Cora and her family through this difficult time in her life! 
  • “Serenity” had seen our Mobile Clinic parked in the old Fred’s parking lot in Bolivar, so after testing positive with a home pregnancy test, she gave us a call. When she boarded our bus, she was torn between abortion and parenting. Her Volunteer Advocate shared what happened next: “during the ultrasound, her baby absolutely ‘showed out’ with the most clearly defined image we’ve seen at eight weeks. In addition, the baby’s heartbeat was strong, loud, and audible. It would appear…this baby wants to live! Following the ultrasound, both [the nurse] and myself asked (separately) that based on what she saw and heard – what decision – if any – has [Serenity] made. She actually – for the first time – gave a smile and said she was going to keep her baby.” Praise God for prompting this baby to be active and touch his/her mother’s heart
A Birth Choice client's happy baby

Abortion Facts

  • All elective abortions are illegal in Tennessee! Praise the Lord!
  • Sadly, there are still many women in West Tennessee who are considering abortion. Unplanned pregnancies are not stopping just because abortion is illegal in our state.
  • There has been a nationwide increase in using the abortion pills to end pregnancy. Within five to ten minutes a woman can search for abortion pills online, order them, and have them shipped illegally to Tennessee.
  • Many Tennessee women drive three to four hours to Illinois, which has the closest abortion clinics to our area.
  • Over 65 million babies have been aborted since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, according to Guttmacher data collected by National Right to Life.
  • 1,037,000: the number of babies aborted in 2023 in the U.S., according to Guttmacher. These numbers do not include “self-managed abortions,” such as situations when women order the abortion pills online and have them shipped illegally to their addresses in pro-life states.
  • 3,988: number of babies aborted every weekday in 2023.
  • For comparison – 2,977: number of people who died from the terrorist attacks on Sept. 1, 2001.
  • 73 million: estimated number of babies aborted worldwide every year according to the World Health Organization. Three out of 10 pregnancies worldwide end in induced abortion.
  • 200,000: the estimated number of babies aborted worldwide every day. This is twice the population of Madison County, TN.