Walk for Life 2024

Saturday, October 5th, 9 AM, at West Jackson Baptist Church  |  #BCwalkforlife

Questions? Contact Tiffany | tiffany@birthchoice.us | (office) 731-453-8159

Remain Steadfast With Us – Walk for Life!

Last year 107 precious babies were saved from abortion when people like you answered God’s call to partner with our mission.

Just follow these four easy steps:

  1. Register to walk. You can register as a family, register under a church, or create a walker team with your friends or church group.
  2. To get sponsors, ask friends, family, and acquaintances for pledges or donations. Use our sponsor form or share your fundraising page via social media, email, or text. If you need a sponsor form, please pick one up at our Jackson or Trenton offices!
  3. Check out our fundraising resources below.
  4. Turn in your pledges and donations at the walk!

The world may be upside down…

..but life in the womb still needs protecting! Every week, God brings women to one of our eight clinic locations. Usually, they are facing unplanned pregnancies and sometimes they are considering abortion. During each divine appointment, our team provides a compassionate ear, a safe and caring environment, and the good news of Jesus Christ. Through ultrasound, our medical team introduces clients to their precious babies. Seeing and hearing the baby’s heartbeat can mean the difference between life and death!

Thanks to our many support programs, these women know they will not walk alone through their pregnancy journey. Most women who initially consider abortion change their minds and choose life after visiting our clinic.

Will you “walk for life” so that we can reach more women and save more babies?

Fundraising Resources

Social Media Posts

Click on the image to download it and then copy and paste the captions.

Suggested Caption:

I am Walking for LIFE to support Birth Choice this fall. Abortion is illegal in Tennessee, but women in our area are still considering abortion and can travel just over three hours away to get one in Illinois. Want to join me in the race to save babies from abortion and share Christ’s love with moms in need?

Please consider donating to my walk by clicking the link below! #BCwalkforlife

[your link here]

Suggested Caption:

I’m Walking for LIFE because women are still seeking abortions out of state, even though abortion is no longer available in Tennessee. Women and men still need help for unplanned pregnancies and Birth Choice has plans to help our community more than ever! 

Please consider donating to my walk! #BCwalkforlife  [LINK]

Suggested Caption:

I am Walking for LIFE this year to help spread the good news of Jesus Christ in West TN. Will you join me in making an eternal difference? #BCwalkforlife

[your link here]

Stories to Share 

Share these on social media or with your church or small group!

“Krista” (pseudonym) came to the Birth Choice Mobile Clinic in Brownsville when she was carrying her first baby, so she knew who to turn to when she got pregnant again. She considered abortion when she first boarded the bus, but after talking with the volunteer advocate about all her pregnancy options and resources available to her, she said it “cleared her mind” and she chose life! This is why accurate information is so powerful, and Krista’s advocate made sure to go over everything in detail. During her ultrasound, Krista saw the heartbeat of her seven-week baby. Krista is considering making an adoption plan, but she may parent instead. Please pray for God to give Krista wisdom on this decision.

“Jessica” (pseudonym) is a single mom who had seen a Facebook ad for Birth Choice, so in April when she found out she was pregnant, she gave them a call. During her appointment, her volunteer advocate, Tina, listened to her with love and compassion. Tina discussed how Birth Choice can support her throughout her pregnancy and shared about the Creator and Savior who loves her so much. Before Tina prayed with her, Jessica felt comfortable enough to shed some tears as she shared about a hard situation in her family. During her ultrasound, when she saw her baby’s heartbeat, Jessica made her decision – she chose life!

Sample Text Message or Email:

Hey [friend’s name], I am walking for life to support Birth Choice this fall. Birth Choice is a pro-life pregnancy clinic in West Tennessee that supports moms and dads facing unplanned pregnancies and empowers them to choose life instead of abortion. Would you consider donating to Birth Choice to help save babies and share about Jesus with these families? 

You can donate at the link below! Thanks!

[your link here] 

Helpful Tips:

  1. Don’t know who to ask to sponsor you (donate or pledge to Birth Choice)? Ask friends, family, coworkers, church family, small group members, neighbors, etc. Just regular folks who believe in our mission. If you are a student, ask professors or teachers, coaches, parents of friends, or church small group leaders.
  2. Don’t know how to ask? We highly recommend either asking in person or calling and asking people to donate. The personal touch goes a long way! Another good option is texting people a link to your fundraising page where they can easily donate online. You can share the link to your social media pages as well.
  3. Don’t know what to say? Use our social media graphics and sample email/text on our website.
  4. Branch out. In addition to faithful donors, ask people you have never asked before to sponsor you.
  5. Aim high! You never know how much people are willing to donate for life!
  6. Ask the highest donating sponsor to donate first. When people see how much previous sponsors donated, say, $100, they will likely put down a similar amount. If your first sponsor only donates $10, others will likely only donate that amount. Or, consider fundraising with two sponsor forms, one for higher donors and one for smaller donors.
  7. Cash donations of any amount are gratefully accepted and encouraged, but donations under $25 will not receive a receipt.
  8. Have fun!

Here are some helpful tips on who to ask from The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention:





Put in your own $20 contribution



Ask your significant other for $20



Ask your mom or dad for $20



Ask a friend for $20



Ask your supervisor for $20



Ask a co-worker for $20



Ask a neighbor for $20



Ask another family member for $20



Ask another friend for $20



Ask a business owner for $20
