Support Financially
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supported entirely by the generosity of individuals, local churches, businesses, and other friends of Birth Choice. We do not accept government funding. If you have any questions about a fundraiser or donating, please call Tiffany at 731-453-8159 or email
Monthly Partnering: Our monthly donors are truly life-savers as they keep our clinic doors open year-round. Would you consider becoming a LifeSaver Monthly Partner too? Choose a partner giving level:
- Save One = $100 per month ($1200 annually)
- Love Life = $75 per month ($900 annually)
- Changing Hearts = $50 per month ($600 annually)
- Good Samaritan = $25 per month ($300 annually)
Annual Fundraising Banquet: Every April we invite donors to a special dinner and speaker. The banquet is our largest fundraising event of the year. If you are interested in attending and donating or being a table host and finding others who can donate, please give us a call. Our goal is usually to raise $200,000 that night.
Change for Life Campaign: Usually from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day for Madison and Gibson Counties, churches will borrow our baby bottles, hand them out to their congregations, and let members take them home to fill up with loose change, cash, and checks. Everything adds up! Members return their bottles to church on Father’s Day and afterward the churches return them Birth Choice. Birth Choice then counts the money and lets the churches know how much they raised. If your church would like to participate, please call us. Churches in our Mobile Clinic service areas usually participate from Sanctity of Human Life Sunday in January through February.
Walk for Life: Held every fall, the walk uses peer – to – peer fundraising. In the weeks leading up to the Walk, Walkers ask friends, family, and acquaintances to sponsor them by donating or pledging to Birth Choice. On the day of the walk, walkers bring the donations and gather to walk in solidarity for the preborn. Churches, small groups, families, individuals, and anyone interested can be walkers. Learn more at If you don’t want to walk but want to give, click here.
Smoked Meat Sales: The Holy Smokers, led by Birth Choice Founder and CEO Brent Lambert, smoke up some mean meat. We have meat sales for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and our Walk for Life! Please order before the deadlines.
Memorial or Honorarium: Instead of asking for flowers, many choose to ask for memorials to be donated in their loved one’s name. What better way to honor a late friend or family member than by supporting life? (We will send a letter of acknowledgment.)
End of Year Giving: If you need to donate a certain amount of money by December 31st to stay within your desired tax bracket, consider donating to support LIFE.
Underwriting/Sponsoring Events: Fundraising events cost a lot, especially when you’re a small nonprofit. Consider underwriting part of the cost of our Banquet or Walk for Life, or sponsoring the prizes we give at various events by donating your business’s product.
Material & Financial Donations to Wendy’s Room: Donate gently used baby beds, baby furniture, equipment, clothing, toys, new diapers and formula, and more to our client resource room/boutique. As mothers and fathers go through the parenting programs, they earn “mommy money” and “daddy dollars” to spend on several needed resources. For a list of our current needs, please call us or click here.