Ministry Outcome

Birth Choice clinic stats

Birth Choice 2023 Statistics

We praise God from whom all blessings flow for saved lives and changed hearts. These approximate numbers include data from our Jackson, Gibson County, and Mobile Clinics. 

  • New client cases: 1,012
  • Male clients: 30
  • Ultrasounds performed: 985
  • Pregnant women considering abortion: 163
  • Babies saved after their mothers changed their minds on abortion: 107*
  • Number of times the gospel was shared: 931
  • Clients who participated in parenting programs: 146
  • Helped 55 women sign up for TennCare
  • Provided early prenatal care to 24 women
*includes two sets of twins!!


When “Khloe” came to our Jackson clinic, she was nervous. Her Client Advocate, Tammy, assured her that she was safe and in the right place! Khloe was undecided between abortion and parenting and had a lot of questions about abortion. She also seemed interested in the information about fetal development that Tammy gave her, and Tammy told her that God brought her to Birth Choice. Khloe enjoyed seeing all the mom and baby supplies in the resource room and smiled as she looked at the baby pictures on the wall. As Tammy hugged her goodbye, Khloe said, “I’m glad I came today.” Tammy called her a few days later and Khloe giggled as she told Tammy she chose life!


In 2023, “Ella” boarded one of our Mobile Clinics considering abortion because she already had a baby at home. However, she smiled as she saw and heard her baby’s heartbeat on ultrasound and allowed our nurse and Client Advocate to pray with her. On her exit survey, she wrote that this was the “best and most informational appointment EVER.” Ella left choosing life for her little baby!


When Angie (pseudonym) laid on our exam table for her ultrasound she promptly pulled down her baseball cap in order to shield her eyes from seeing anything on the display. Seeing her do this the volunteer nurse commented, “Oh look, she’s sucking her thumb.” Slowly Angie raised her head and lifted her cap. After staring at the display for a while tears filled her eyes and she said, “I want my baby.”

From Our Clients

“Seeing the baby’s heartbeat was really a major factor in my decision.  This was a comforting experience during a stressful time.”

“Everyone at Birth Choice was very empathetic and did not apply any pressure.  They made me feel comfortable and treated me like a friend, not a stranger.”

“The overall care I was given at Birth Choice was very respectful and fulfilling.  It made me feel a lot better about the situation.  I’m keeping this baby.”

“I got to see the heartbeat – I’ve decided to keep the baby!”

“I loved the service from everyone. it’s the best. they are the best.”

“it made me very happy to know that my baby was there with a heart beat.”